There are many concepts on concierge services; ours is strictly medical focusing on Care Management. Care management is a set of clinical services designed to assist a patient and his or her support system in best managing medical conditions and the behavioral and social problems that can arise from them, with the multiple goals of: Improving patient health status. Consider proving consults, looking for the physician services, appointment management, medical referrals, diagnostics scheduling, record collection and create a book with all your medical notes for your records.
Patient care navigation is a patient-centric healthcare service delivery model. Patient care navigation serves to virtually integrate a fragmented and confusing healthcare system for the individual patient (concierge medicine).
The core function of patient care manager/navigator is to eliminate barriers to timely care across all segments of the healthcare continuum. We provide a complete service from the moment we get the call or the referral. We will send you our intake and medical release forms.
We want to know past history and current issue(s). We will ask you for labs, diagnostics, medical records, medications and reports from your physician. These are important for our medical director to review and further discuss with the patient up his/her arrival.
What characteristics & qualities do effective care manager/patient navigators possess?
We are HIPAA compliant and work with signed release forms in order to retrieve your medical information and scan reports. At the end of your treatment, we prepare a medical dossier for yourself and/or your physician.
There is no formula but your key is to market products to services outside of your brands domestic audience. There are many considerations but theses are essentials.
After establishing a local presence, we start to visit potential referral sources and partners, for instance, physicians, medical practices, international insurance companies and government agencies.
We do our homework to know the culture and traditions of that country; every country is different. That is key.
We target specialty medicine. We want to bring individuals for medical care & services not offered in their country. We can bring them to any major city and health system in the United States.
We provide full concierge service from initial calls to air ambulance.
Experienced Healthcare & Marketing Executives with proven results, creative ideas and techniques for the new millennium.